Linking Europe
"your business partner"


Linking Europe is a Danish owned company founded in Prague, Czech Republic with the purpose of facilitating companies operating in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).

Linking Europe
was established by Brian Olsen, HD & CFA who has been living in Eastern Europe since 1992. Having 16 years of experience in banking from Denmark and Eastern Europe, Brian Olsen has build up an extensive knowledge of markets, contacts and companies which can be drawn on in connection with various assignments.

During the last years we have seen a vast number of companies taking advantage of business opportunities in CEE. This has taken place in many areas like acquisition of companies, Joint Ventures, own establishment and finding partners and suppliers.

Some have done this in order to maintain their competitiveness and others in order to further improve their ability to compete and expand in a globalising world economy.

Linking Europe
is equipped to support your efforts driving your business forward on these markets and will do its utmost a fruitful business relationship.